Content warnings: Abuse, CSA, Zoophilia, Cults, Suicide, Manipulation
Glip has, throughout the last decade started and maintained two community focused roleplay groups. PMD-E, and then Floraverse. Both groups, especially PMD-E and early Floraverse had a large child audience. Glip used their position of power within these groups to expose the children who participated in these groups to extremely inappropriate material. Additionally, Glip has been a beacon for predators to get to their younger audience. Their strategy is simple - get close to Glip, and you get close to their impressionable younger fans, as a bonus if your victim speaks out: Glip will use their platform to protect you. This page aims to illustrate 4 different victim stories of this, with 3 separate predators featured: Marl, Opaopa, and W0z. With Glip maliciously going to bat for the predators every time. We will also go over the strategies Glip, and the whole of the Floraverse community uses to protect these predators.
Throughout this page we will occasionally reference Floraverse Discord Server messages linking to a heavily filtered discord message archive viewer. If you have concerns that we filtered the messages down too far, you can view our unfiltered archive of the Floraverse Discord Servers here:
Or if you prefer, download the large offline version and open the file in your web browser of choice.
The sections on this page are not ordered in terms of severity, but start with Glip's general history of endangering children in their communities on the wider scale, before going into specific stories of Glip protecting and enabling predators, or their zoophilia in a chronological order.
The sections of this page are ordered in this way to give a cohesive overview of the full picture. We understand that this page is long, but that is the natural consequence of Glip having a decade long history of doing this to people. You may think any of the individual stories or behaviors noted here are 'not that big of a deal' by themselves, sure, but this is about documenting the big picture, the patterns of abuse and how Glip keeps doing these things to people even after they claim to have 'changed'.
Here are jumps to the most severe sections if you are only interested in that.
- Glip was aware that Marl was sexually abusing their pet dog, Apollo. Marl coerced Glip into sexually abusing least two dogs.- When a 14-year-old child came forward about Marl sexually abusing her, and how he was a zoophile, Glip and Eevee both used their large platforms to slander this child and paint her as a liar all over the span of nearly half a decade. This is despite the fact Glip was aware that Marl was a zoophile and currently abusing their pet dog.
- When older chat logs leaked of Marl trying to convince a different 16-year-old child to sexually abuse a dog on film for him to distribute, Marl immediately admitted that these chat logs were real to a Floraverse moderator, Gabs. Gabs decided to protect Marl when the person who informed the group of the chat logs would not take a bribe. Then Glip and Eevee would both decry the chat logs that Marl himself recognized as real as "edited" or "lies" and then all three proceeded to sell their home, move to a different state, and all legally get their names changed.
Glip's extensive history of exposing minors to explicit content
Glip has always conflated their pornographic stories with their non-pornographic stories
In both the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon-Explorers Deviantart group and Floraverse, Glip would regularly write extreme pornographic content involving the characters and post it on a ‘side-site’. The porn content was canon and would be considered character development. Keep in mind, in both communities Glip would welcome and talk with children that enjoyed the PMD-E and Floraverse content. In these same communities where they would interact with their child fans, they would advertise the porn side of the content. To Glip, this was fine because they’re ‘separated’….Except, not really.
If you have an ‘all-ages’ or ’13+’ franchise, series, or story but one scene is too much for minors – then you do not actually have an ’13+’ franchise/series/story on your hands. You have an adult series on your hands. Adults can enjoy content that kids can also enjoy, but kids will be traumatized by content that only adults can enjoy. If you, as the series creator write a chapter of that series where character A and character B have graphically detailed sex that wouldn’t be misplaced on pornhub and publish it as character development and publish and advertise this content in the same places you advertise the non-pornographic content of the story: Then your entire story should be considered to be for adults only.
This is the problem at its core. Glip wants to write stories where characters develop through porn. This would be fine, if by itself. It would simply be an adult webcomic or an adult art group. But that’s not what happened: Glip also made the choice to allow minors to enjoy their other content involving the same characters. It is as if Glip had a cartoon on Cartoon Network and also advertised a second sister series were the characters of the cartoon have graphic sex during the commercials that aired on Adult Swim…. You can’t do that, because if you want children to be part of your audience, you can’t have part of the show be this type of content that will traumatize them.
Glip poorly separated their porn content from their non-porn content anyway, and tricked minors into looking at porn
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon- Explorers was a deviantart based role play group ran by Glitchedpuppet. It was based on the Pokemon mystery dungeon series back in 2011-2013. Because it was open to all skill levels of artists, was based on Pokemon, and operated on Deviantart it obviously had a lot of 13-16 year old children join the community.
Glip would post stories that happen within the group, and this specific story, titled Resignation started with as a normal, dramatic story of Glips about two main characters (One of which is a self insert for GlitchedPuppet, named PK) in a life and death situation against a gang leader Weavile named Slasher. Towards the end of the story, Glip would state that the rest of the story would be concluded on their tumblr account. Without reason. This is because the rest of Resignation was porn, and Glip just directed the people reading this story for this Pokemon role-play group on Deviantart to porn without informing them that the rest was porn.
Comments on the final bit of Resignation posted to Deviantart would allude to the pornographic nature of the conclusion of the story. Including comments from people who were obviously children being grossed out.
![Screenshot that reads: Ninth Except by Luvaci I think a couple of the later ones won't be posted to dA, but I'll post them to my tumblr. [username is purplekecleon there too folks]](
![A screenshot from snivy-fan on March 8th, 2012 on deviantart reads: 'omg i read the other part the next one it was so cute nad gross shroomworth wat touching [redacted] so cute bu ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i can imagine pokemon doing that its just gross uggh still in my head'](
Glip would often create and post extremely inappropriate material with the characters of this Deviantart based Pokemon roleplay group. They would often be posted on Glips porn blog, but not always. Having a porn blog for this content is a step in an acceptable directly, but ultimately useless if you advertise your pornographic content for PMD-E in the same places as your non pornographic content for PMD-E. With the only warning of separation between the two being that one is vaguely labeled “adult” at best – and as shown with Resignation this was not always the case. “Adult” can mean a lot of things. Family Guy is considered adult. The word “fuck” is considered adult. A single image of a boob showing a female presenting nipple is considered adult. What we are talking about is not comparable to any of that: we are talking about graphic pornographic content showcasing rape, pedophilia, and incest, while “adult” is an accurate descriptor for the content, it is not an apt description for its extreme nature.
Of course, these half hearted motions of separation between the pornographic content of PMD-E and the non-pornographic content of PMD-E are just bandaids to the problem. Glip creating this type of content for a Pokemon Roleplay group that operated on Deviantart that accepted all ages to participate was astronomically unacceptable and inappropriate from the very beginning.
This isn’t a fan making porn of a childrens cartoon; this is the dungeon master of a roleplay group writing pedophilic and rape porn into the campaign while allowing children to play. Specific instances of including the characters of PMD-E in graphic porn, both for pleasure and story development sake would include:
- Porn of PK (Glips self insert) and Rhodes, a character that was a child.
- Glip really liked the ship of their self insert and Rhodes, the child so much so that their relationship was canon and was planned to be referenced in epilogue content
- A comic of Merlot the Lugia forcing Shroomsworth into a maid outfit and raping him to allow him and the merchants passage to complete their goal
- Fetish gear would be offered as an accessory item to every participant in the group during a certain period
- PK having a marriage arc with a Persian named after Glips IRL pet cat Twigs
- Porn of PK and the characters Sister, Anana
- Porn of PK and the characters Sister, Anana (But this time as Children.)
- Porn of Anana and Rhodes
- Porn of Sandy and Rhodes
- Porn of Mikemander and his little kid Sister Maple
- Porn of Maple and Archbishop Gabriel
- Porn of PK raping Lexy because Glip ‘couldnt think of a consensual situation at all’
- Glip confirms that Tivoli– a character who would force the women in his mind-controlled group to wear ribbons is a serial rapist in a text post on their ask blog
- Glip had wanted to make a PMD-e porn doujin and posted concept sketches for it with various characters on their main blog
- Zoo Porn of various PMD-E characters where one character is human, and the other is a pokemon (Rhodes is in here too)
Conflating Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers with Floraverse and with Forbidden Flora
PMD-E would end very abruptly, and without conclusion. In its place, Glip would begin a new project called Floraverse. This new project would be a spiritual successor to PMD-E, with Floraverse even being directly stated to be the resolution for PMD-E. Because of this, if a person was interested in PMD-E, they probably also had an interest in Floraverse, if only because they wanted to see the conclusion of a story they were already invested into. Characters from PMD-E would be reworked into new Floraverse designs, and translated characters would be directly stated as such. Additionally, the PMD-E podcast would be transformed into a Floraverse podcast.
The combination of the original property of Floraverse and a Pokemon based Devaiantart roleplay group throws any possibility of Floraverse being its own stand alone adult project out the window. As the child populated audience of PMD-E would naturally migrate over to Floraverse to see the conclusion.
This means Floraverse has the same problem that PMD-E did of weaving pornographic content into the story and having the children who are attached to the characters reading the porn of them, not because they wanted to read the porn, but because they wanted to read the official story content of a series they liked. Additionally, as Floraverse was said to be the conclusion of PMD-E, and not a stand-alone adult project, Glip creating extreme pornographic content for Floraverse is just as unacceptable and inappropriate as it was for PMD-E. Again, we stress that if Glip wanted to create a story and world that involved porn, that would be fine so long as they made the effort to discourage minors from reading the content. What’s not fine is creating a story and world involving porn that is based on Pokemon while welcoming anyone of any age to participate in the community surrounding the world; then saying you will conclude the abruptly ended Pokemon story in a new original universe that also welcomes anyone of any age to participate and having that original universe also use porn as means to tell its story.
One of the worst examples of pornographic content in Floraverse would be the story of Mismatched. Mismatched depicts the character Alice graphically raping the character of Quillion. That’s it. It was advertised on Glip’s general blog, evoked Shroomsworths name to catch the attention of all the PMD-E fans and added the promise of character development.
So we again had Glip advertising rape porn as story content for an audience that mainly comprised of fans and participants of a Deviantart Pokemon roleplay group that allowed anyone of all ages to participate. With Glip finding this acceptable because they vaguely refer to the rape porn as ‘adult’.

It is not as if Glip was unaware of their audience – as they would later claim. We are talking about a project that originated as a Pokemon Roleplay Group on Deviantart of all places. Minors would frequently interact with the project – and even Glip themselves with Glip never once stating that the project was only for adults. Additionally, On the old sex advice Tumblr blog for Forbidden Flora- Beleth’s Toybox, Glip would happily answer questions from children. They would even defend interacting with children on this sex advice blog, and in private joke about minors reading their porn.
Note: Pinnapop is Rina, who will be discussed later, she was a minor at this time and Glip was very aware that she was a minor.
Why did Glip do this to the kids in their audience? What was their intent here?

Glip would claim to have done this as a way of ‘seeing fictional representations of their pain’ as Glip is also a survivor of CSA. We understand wanting to use your art to explore your trauma, but using your story franchises that had children in the community to do this was inappropriate. Glip could have created and shared art separate from Floraverse and PMD-E to explore this. If they had to use PMD-E or Flora to explore this, they didn’t have to upload the content to their community; and they especially didn’t have to upload the content as ‘character development.’ Those were all choices Glip made. The consequences of those choices is that Glip’s pedophilia and rape porn was the first brush with sexual content that an untold amount of children in their audience experienced. If your first experience with porn is a story about PK – an adult, having sex with Rhodes a child, and the porn treats the relationship as a positive one, with Glip gushing about how cute their relationship is; what do think your thoughts would have been as minor if an adult approaches you like PK did to Rhodes? Would you be alarmed? Scared? Or would you think it’s normal and fine? Who knows how many children Glip normalized these types of relationships for and impacted in this way who would later go on to be exploited by other predators. We don’t believe Glip’s intentions here matter at all, because of the sheer completely avoidable scope of what they did happened regardless of whether they did this because they had a grooming fetish or because they where exploring their own trauma to cope. The why doesn’t matter, because Glips actions traumatized countless children in their audience regardless of their intentions.
…It is, however, worth stating that Glip has a grooming fetish. A grooming fetish that, when described by them, happens to perfectly describe what they did to so many children.
For a lot of people, this could have been let go; letting bygones be bygones if Glip stopped conflating their porn content with their stories that have communities have children in them, such as Floraverse. But Minors are allowed in the Floraverse server. Porn is just as much as part of Floraverse today as it was years ago.
Glip relies on a minor to watch a video with heavy content warnings about their history and their community to discuss the video on their podcast
It started when a youtube content creator by the name of Insomniac Idiot XO would upload a Youtube Video reviewing the situation between Iz and Rina. Before the video would really get started, the video started with the following content warnings:
Note: Within Insomniac Idiot XO’s first video he doubts Glips experiences and statements on Glip’s Childhood Sexual Assault. We strongly disagree with and disavow that portion of his video.
Glip would respond with 3 podcast videos uploaded on youtube. Glip, Eevee, W0Z/Iz, Phoebe and Japhet, who is a minor, would participate in this podcast. This is a 6 hour long podcast, we won’t get entire the entire thing ever on this website. The relevant portion for this section is between 7:20 to 7:41 to and 53:36 to 55:15 of part 3.
Part 1
GlitchedPuppet: Um, none of the current people have watched what the dude had done; except for Japhet. Um, so, Japhet’s gonna be the one talking a bit, about, uh, what this dude’s actually said. In his real person youtube-man voice.
Part 2
Japhet: As you were talking about this, I just remembered that I feel like this person doesn’t really take sexual topics with any amount of respect at all. As there was a point, in um, in the video where he kept bringing up Forbidden Flora with this like, joking tone of like, and some risque adult works and then he kept on like cropped porn on the screen. And I was just like HOLY SHIT what the fuck is your problem?
Japhet:Like, he kept on like bringing attention to like-
Phoebe: Don’t do that!!!
Japhet: “Oh wow and ooooooh wow porn that I’m putting on the screen right now oh my god the porn, haha wow! I didn’t know I had to see that when I was researching this!” It was just, it was just gross. It was just disrespectful as fuck. I can’t even, oh my god.
Iz: Youtubers always do that, they’re always like, want their own reaction to something-
GlitchedPuppet: *laughing*
Iz: But they’re the one who dug it out.
Japhet: Yeah and they’re like-
Eevee: Glitchedpuppet forced me to see a boobie.
*More Laughing*
Japhet: They were like, putting up images too that you usually don’t see when you scroll google search of like, a character for example. They were like, posting images that like, I’ve never even seen before and I was shown parts of Forbidden Flora. I was just like, what the fuck. You looked for this you had to dig for this, and you’re putting it up like you didn’t want to see it?
GlitchedPuppet: That’s creepy and weird! Also, I’m really sorry, I did not know that this dude would fucking do this and I wish you had not been exposed to that.
Japhet: No, it’s alright.
GlitchedPuppet: That sucks.
What happened here is 4 adults were so uninterested in watching the video that this segment of the podcast was discussing that they all relied on a minor to have watched and communicate the specific contents within the video, despite the video having clear warnings for ‘Child SA’ before hand. Then the adults in the room have the nerve to be shocked when Japhet describes cropped porn showing Child SA that Glip themselves illustrated?
The content warnings were there. This was on Glip, Eevee, Iz, and Phoebe for all in-unison disregarding those and relying on Japhet to do the bare minimum of watching the video the group was discussing which should have never been put on his shoulders to begin with.
It then got pointed out on Tumblr that Glip apologizing to Japhet for seeing cropped porn in Insomniac Idiot XO’s video was hypocritical because Glips, at the time current twitter banner was clearly cropped fetish porn. Japhet would appear on tumblr and would defend this, claiming that Glip says its not NSFW Art.

Glip lying about the fetish art not being fetish art to Japhet instead of going ‘you know? you’re right. I shouldn’t’ have this content that I shared in the NSFW spaces in my community on my twitter banner’ only serves to desensitize children like Japhet in their community to fetish art and hinder their ability to properly recognize it when they come across it to protect themselves.
Glip's favorite Weapon against Victims: The Art of DARVO
DARVO (or Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) is an extremely effective tactic for shrieking responsibility for abusing someone who speaks out about said abuse while keeping public favor, and ensuring that other victims are too afraid to speak up. This is an extremely common tactic that abusive individuals, including Glip utilizes when they, or someone they want to protect are accused of something. Glip has specifically used this tactic against Lain, Bigfluff, and Rina.
Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender is a three-step method of twisting accountability. Originally coined by psychology researcher Jennifer Freyd, the DARVO process can look something like this:
- Deny.
The abuser vehemently denies the survivor’s account of what happened. This can involve gaslighting the survivor to make the survivor doubt their memory of events. The survivor may begin to question whether or not they’re “blowing it out of proportion” as the abuser continues to minimize what they remember happening.- Attack.
The abuser shifts the focus to the survivor’s credibility and whether or not others, including law enforcement, should believe them. This could include bringing up past indiscretions (real or fabricated) in the survivor’s past, questioning the survivor’s mental health, accusing the survivor of abusing drugs or alcohol or asserting the survivor is the abusive one when really the survivor was reacting to the abuse being inflicted. The abuser may even insinuate that the survivor wanted what happened or that, because the couple is married, the abuser couldn’t have possibly sexually assaulted them (not true, by the way). The end result can be that the survivor feels bullied or disparaged into staying quiet or may feel some sense of the abuse being their own fault. (Be aware, trauma-related guilt is a liar.)- Reverse Victim and Offender.
The final step of this twisted manipulation tactic is for the abuser to secure their title of “victim” and position the actual survivor as the offender. They might contend that the survivor has some vendetta to destroy them. They might say the survivor is lying in order to turn people against the abuser, become more popular, “take away” their children or receive a larger divorce settlement. The abuser might claim they’re a “victim of the system” (the criminal justice system). They may use their socioeconomic standing, race or gender to support their claim. All the while, the survivor’s actual disclosure of abuse is overshadowed and the survivor will end up spending more time trying to defend her reputation than receiving help for the abuse.
There are two types of denial that can be used when utilizing the DARVO technique, Glip tends to favor the first type of denial.
Two common forms of perpetrator (or bystander) denial are:
- It didn’t happen (an instance) or It rarely happens (a type of event)
- It wasn’t harmful
Put together they can take the form: “It didn’t happen, but if it did, it wasn’t that bad” or “It rarely happens, but when it does it isn’t harmful.” The two claims both serve to deny, but they depend upon different sorts of evidence. They may both be true, but they are sometimes somewhat suspicious when claimed simultaneously (or by the same person at different times), as for instance can occur in response to allegations of rape or child sexual abuse (see Cheit & Freyd, 2005).
Glip has and continues to use DARVO to protect either themselves or a predatory individual they like within the court of public opinion. This takes the form of Glip and their friends / loved ones joining together to write massive google documents or nasty tweets about how the victim is actually a bad person for reasons unrelated to the accusation. Outright denial that the abuse ever actually occurred, and of course Glip, hamming up just how damn hurt they are by the victim. Throughout this page, we will point out specific instances of Glip utilizing this technique when it occurs.
Glip was aware that Marl was abusing their dog before any victim spoke up, and did not mention it
In 2020 – well after Lain and BigFluff came forward about Marl was a zoophile towards them with Glip defending him. Glip would post a google doc acknowledging and apologizing to Lain and BigFluff. They would also post a document about how they were abused by Marl. This is important, so we will be diving into it.
While the document doesn’t mention when Glip heard about this, the way it is chronologically being relayed would place Glip at around 16 years old — the start of their relationship with Marl. Which would mean Marl coercing Glip to sexually abuse this dog likely occurred when Glip was 19. And then, they would get Apollo, a German Shepard when Glip was 20.
![Document from Glip reads: So I ended up agreeing. He told me that he had found a guy with a dog and that it would make a lot more money then regular porn, especially because "most bestiality porn is fat girls, and they pay better for skinny attractive girls [like you]". I was very, very uncomfortable with this, and did not want to do anything that would ruin my life. He told me my face could be hidden. I reluctantly agreed, after he impressed upon me that we were very poor and could use the money.](

To clarify, four years after Glip had been told stories by Marl of his own sexually abusive actions towards animals and how he was more interested in dogs, one year after Marl convinced Glip to rape a dog on camera, Glip agreed to get an un-neutered large dog of one of the most popular breeds among bestiality fans and “was convinced” that Marl would absolutely not rape Apollo. Later in the timeline, Glip would discuss this:
This is being relayed years later after 2012-2013, Marl brings up the topic of bestiality – and including their dog, and continues to try to get Glip to rape dogs, specifically Apollo on camera. Dogs who are exploited in this way need to be trained to do it. We find it unlikely that Apollo was not trained to do this at this point if Marl is trying to use Apollo specifically. After this section Glip acknowledges they should have probably re-homed Apollo at this time, but they didn’t because of Marl’s abusive nature towards them.
After this sites launch, Glip would in an email thread lash out against the person behind Testimony 4 on our testimonials page and further contradict themselves, by stating that there was two dogs they “were raped by” – not just the one.
![My experiences in Mismatch were based on my OWN EXPERIENCES. I went through rape. I was trying to show a complex interaction that captured some of my own experiences. Sometimes people DO go into sex and have a complicated feeling about it. Does that mean you should just accept the complicated feeling or pretend to like it if you don’t? NO. Guess what I’d been subject a lot to? Exactly that. A lot of sex I didn’t like, that gave me complicated feelings, that made me uncomfortable. Marl had raped me by that point, I’d been raped by two dogs because of him, and I didn’t feel like I was allowed to talk about any of it. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I EVER WANT THAT FOR YOU OR LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE? If my comic has PAIN in it and you felt “I need to accept bad feelings because this comic made me feel that way”, that is… STILL… NOT my responsibility. The comic came from my OWN experiences, many of which were very painful for me. Can I be sad that you ended up feeling your own pain minimized in part due to how the comic influenced you? Yes. I would strongly prefer you not have internalized the comic in that way. But I really do not accept you blaming me for how you accepted your own experiences. We were strangers, [redacted]. I was just a person making a comic, and going through abuse and trauma at home, and now you are blaming me for abuse and trauma you went through. That is not fucking remotely acceptable.](
Glip was fully aware of Marl’s nature before either Lain or BigFluff came forward

There is something very important that Glip forgot to include within the timeline. In December 2013 there was an incident of Marl cheating on Glip during an event were Glip and Exty was in Australia – Glip talks about it on their Tumblr blog.
Glip would not say it publicly, but years later in private Glip would talk about how they realized Marl had sexually abused Apollo shortly after this trip. As in, Glip knew Marl had made bestiality videos with Apollo and had gone as far as to show that content to Glip’s acquaintances as early as late 2013. In spite of now for certain being aware that Marl was abusing Apollo, Apollo would not be rehomed.

It’s worth noting that, in the years before Glip would admit to being coerced into raping a dog – but after the event occurred and after Glip definitively became aware that Marl was raping Apollo specifically through Exty, Glip would regularly claim ignorance to Marls zoophilia.
So to summarize Glips Story:
- When first confronted online with Marl being a zoo between 2014-2019 they outright denied it, claiming the accusations to be outright lies or that Marl just had a fetish he didn’t act on, or that Glip ignorant to what he was doing.
- In 2019 in their discord server they would admit to knowing that Marl was raping their pet dog Apollo and filming it since 2013 – even after admitting this in their server they would publicly continue to talk about how they had no idea what Marl was doing.
- In 2020 in an attempt to acknowledge the chat logs between a minor and Marl where Marl tried to convince the minor to rape a dog on camera: they would admit to raping a dog themselves, claiming to have been coerced into doing it sometime before 2013. But that it was just a single dog, and they didn’t like it.
- In 2023 they would in anger admit to “being raped by” 2 dogs casually. (Dogs can’t rape. Glip raped those dogs.)
14 year old talks about Marl sexually abusing her, Glip retaliates against her over the span of 5 years
In October 2014 Pengosolvent would get an anonymous tumblr ask claiming that Marl was into dogs, and Pengo would confirm that he was aware of this publicly.

A few days later, 14 year old minor, who would be come to be known as Lain (or as Glip calls them, Spaggle) originally came forward in 2014 about how Marl was extremely inappropriate with her when she was 13 earlier that year. When Lain first came forward, she did not get much traction and Glip was dealing with a public falling out with Pengo, so it went under the radar.
Lain would come forward again in 2015. Lain didn’t have logs, but this time she provided an even more vivid and detailed recollection of what Marl did to her.
Glip knew that Marl was a zoophile, and both the 2014 and especially the 2015 posts from Lain are far too realistically detailed for a 14 year old to simply make up. Someone who is acting in good faith and who knows for certain that Marl is a zoophile would recognize that a 14 year old would not be capable of making up this sort of content at this level of detail, and believe the child. unfortunately, Glip had no intention of responding in good faith when the 2015 post picked up traction:

Glips would defend Marl by claiming that lain ‘ is a minor who wants to entrap adults with a child porn charge’.
Which. First off, can we just acknowledge how fundamentally ridiculous of a claim that is? Glip is playing the victim by framing this minor as some evil child that wants to frame innocent adults for child exploitation.
Manipulators often play the victim role by portraying themselves as victims of circumstances or someone else’s behavior in order to gain pity or sympathy or to evoke compassion and thereby get something from someone. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering, and the manipulator often finds it easy and rewarding to play on sympathy to get cooperation
Glip would very specifically claim that they had logs where “she [lain] says she sent nudes to someone and then wanted to get them arrested for child porn”. This framing is a lie. Lain apparently did send nudes to someone, and did want to get them arrested, but Lains intent was nowhere near what Glip implies. Glip would never once post logs of Lain showing the intent to entrap adults in a CP charge that Glip explicitly claimed to have here. Glip has emails from other people who have abused Lain claiming she did this, but those are not chat logs of she saying she does this. Glip has a chat log of Lain saying someone sexually pressured her to send nudes when she was a minor and wondering if she should call the police. But nothing from Lain saying she sends CP of herself to adults to entrap them in a CP charge. This is Glip making the active decision to lie to protect Marl. If Glip was acting in good faith and genuinely believed that Lain was trying to entrap Marl in a CP charge, there is no reason to create active malicious lies about Lain like this. The only reason for Glip to lie about this specifically is because Glip did not care if Lain was telling the truth, and simply wanted to protect Marl.
Glip, Marl and Eevee would all post call out posts of this 14 year old child, all saying essentially the same thing. Only Glip would show chat logs of Lain saying she ‘sends nudes to adults to get them arrested for child porn’ – and it doesn’t match Glip’s framing of some devious child that wants to entrap adults at all. Instead it depicts a child who, while unsure, wanted justice because they were fucking abused. Which is why throughout the years Glip would rely on hearsay from others about Lains character and not this supposedly damning chat log.

Eevee also posted IRC chat logs of Lain for Glip. However, looking through the logs, though lain can be seen being brazenly sexual. There is still no trace of her saying she wants to entrap adults in a CP charge, like Glip had claimed.
Glip claims themselves that they had no idea about Lains age, Lain didn’t lie she just didn’t mention her age. Lain never mentioned her age because she was never asked.
As Glip/Eevee is a moderator of this NSFW space it is both of their jobs to ensure that the participants are of age. It requires effort to safely maintain a NSFW space for adults online, as letting anyone through the door allows for kids like Lain to show up. While there is no perfect method of always preventing children like Lain from showing up, the fact Lain was able to just show up, was never asked her age, and partake in this space shows that Glip and Eevee did absolutely nothing to prevent minors from getting into their NSFW community. Lain shouldn’t have entered this space, but she was a child– and children do stupid things. Which is why it is the adults responsibility – in this case Glip/Eevee’s responsibility to keep them out pre-emptively. Typically, this takes the form of pre-screening people who want to join the community, before or when they first join. This can take the form of looking at a potential member’s social media profiles to see if an age is listed, or having the community be invite only. Or at the bare minimum, just asking for their age.
Glip focusing on how Lain was in this NSFW space and ignoring how they have no form of pre-screening members before entering this NSFW chat room is what is called Magnifying and Minimizing as Glip is magnifying Lains mistake of being a minor in an adult space and minimizing the fact that Glip let people into this adult space without bothering to ask their age or do any background checks.
The manipulator magnifies the mistakes of their victim while minimizing their own. These are self-esteem attacks that make the victim feel like a failure. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with pointing out mistakes so you can learn from them. But an emotional manipulator blows those mistakes out of proportion. Their reaction to those mistakes is overblown.
Eevee would post about Lain ‘entrapping adults’ within this post, but, Eevee would not post logs of Lain saying this is something she does (Which Glip claimed to have.) It was one of the before mentioned emails, from someone simply saying this is something Lain does.
Glip would also post more of these messages they received from others about Lain in 2018:
At the same time, Glip and their inner-cabal was allegedly looking to take legal action against and dox Lain
Some discord logs would leak of Glip, Opa, and a few others looking to take revenge against Lain and moving to Wire to plan said revenge. The move to Wire was a preliminary action to protect themselves against leaks as they where worried for a legal response from Lain. The wire chat log is lost, but it apparently fell apart in a span of a week as people within the group (besides Glip) became uncomfortable with what they where planning to do to Lain and dipped. According to Bex who was part of this group – Glip had obtained Lain’s dox and had wanted to take legal action against the child who their then ex-husband sexually abused with photos of dog genitalia.
We’re not one to devalue anonymous accusations, so let’s talk about the accusations against this ‘fucking parasite’.
It is likely that Lain was a victim of CSA from multiple adults – and is exhibiting behavior consistent with young victims of CSA, and with that it would mean Glip took the word of a different abuser of Lain to further publicly humiliate her over several years. Lain would then confirm this to be the case in 2020.
From an objective standpoint, Glip had every reason to believe Lain. Glip knew Marl was a zoo, Lains account of what Marl did to them was extremely detailed and realistic in spite of her young age, the others who approaching Glip to begin with showed that Lain had a history of being sexually abused, the fact that Lain felt the need to keep re-telling her story throughout the years in spite of Glip Utilizing DARVO against her showed that it wasn’t coming from a desire for attention.
Lain never claimed to be neighbors with Glip. Glip is conflating Lain and BigFluffs story dishonestly in that one tweet. Glip was genuinely being abused by Marl themselves, it is possible that Glip just truly did not believe Lain because of their own abuse at the hands of Marl. Glip would somewhat acknowledge that they had every reason to believe Lain, but didn’t in their document about Marls abuse of them.
Even when giving Glip the most benefit of the doubt, and assuming that Lain was lying about Marl abusing her and Glip is being honest about genuinely not believing her; Glips weaponization of their platform to slander, publicly humiliate and hurt this goddamn child throughout 2015-2020 is not only completely unacceptable on every conceivable level, but it also shows that Glip does not care for victims of this type so long as the perpetrator is someone they like. It shows that Glip is happy to play the victim / help the perpetrator play the victim, shift blame for the event onto the victim, and to outright lie in order to protect the perpetrator.
A second child shows proof of Marl abusing her, Glip, Marl, and Eevee sell their home and legally change their names
This second minor who came forward about Marl abusing them goes by the name BigFluff. Fluff didn’t come forward on their own, Lain leaked the logs Fluff shared with Lain in private.
These happened in 2012 and are unfortunately outside of the statue of limitations as far as we are aware.
These chat logs were leaked on April 5th 2018. Marl himself, through one of Glips Floraverse moderators Gapow (Now Gabs / gapsgabsgapsgab on twitter – who is still part of the community), confirmed them to be real, almost immediately. The initial reaction to these chat logs from Marl and expressed through Gabs was to:
- Acknowledge their authenticity
- State they know who BigFluff was
- Apologize to Bigfluff

….And then, when the person Gabs is talking with expresses an interest in warning others that Marl is the sort of person to be sexually inappropriate with minors, Marl, Gabs through Marl, asks if the person is wiling to take a bribe.

Suddenly! After Marl admitted he knew who the logs came from, that they where authentic, and that he’s so sorry, after the person who showed them showcased they they were not interested in a bribe, SUDDENLY Gabs thinks they’re fake.

We’re not going to beat around the bush
- Marl admitted to Gabs here that the chatlogs where he tries to convince a minor to have sex with a dog on camera are authentic.
- Gabs, who is fully aware that these logs are authentic because Marl just told them that they are real, is happy to claim they’re fake the exact moment after the fact when Chilimac confirms they will not take a bribe.
- This is Gabs making the informed decision to lie to protect the man who they know for a fact tried to convince a minor to sexually abuse a dog on camera – we cannot stress this point enough.
- Glip, will go on to lie and say that these chat logs that Marl confirmed are real are fake.
- Gabs is still in Glip’s community right now in 2023, even though Glip is aware that Gabs is the sort of person who will happily lie to protect a man who tried to convince a minor to sexually abuse a dog on camera.
There is no ‘he tricked me‘ excuse that either Gabs or Glip can play here. Marl was horrifically, brutally, honest. Neither Glip or Gabs cared that Marl tried to get a minor to sexually abuse a dog on camera for money. Marl didn’t lie at first and there was no reason to believe him when he would later claim the logs are fabricated. He initially recognized the chat logs to a degree were he knew who the victim was and tried to outright apologize; there is no possible way to jump from ‘wait these are fake’ after that level of acknowledgement to their authenticity. This was a conscious and more importantly, informed choice of Glip and Gabs to protect him and lie for him in spite of that brutal honesty he provided, and in spite of his abhorrent actions.
Glip and Eevee publicly respond
A classic case of DARVO from the both of them. Glip denies the accusation and attacks BigFluff by calling the (confirmed authentic) chat logs ‘lies and bullshit’ while framing themselves to be the victim of said ‘lies and bullshit’. Eevee does the same by claiming the (confirmed authentic) chat logs were ‘edited’, attacking the the people that shared the (confirmed authentic) logs as people who are ‘lying about her family who will see her in hell’, and framing herself and Glip as the victims.
This is after 2014, Glip was fully aware that Marl was sexually abusing Apollo – just as they were aware when Lain first spoke up over him doing the same to her. Yet, Glip still uses the same tactic of lying, attacking, and reversing themselves to be the victim to protect Marl and themselves.
Glips, Floraverse’s and ForbiddenFlora’s twitter accounts would lock during this time period. Additionally, the Floraverse Tumblr, Forbidden Flora Tumblr would become password protected. Glip would delete everything on their main tumblr account. These are all very normal responses to very edited chat logs that Marl confirmed are authentic.

Glip would then make a post about the situation on their Patreon Account. [Here is a plaintext archive of the post.] Glip continues to DARVO in this post, framing themselves as some tired victim that just wanted to make a safe community for everyone! Who just doesn’t understand why people would lie about them. Glip’s post otherwise refuses to talk about the chat logs between Marl and Big Fluff. Eevee would also make a patreon post in May “addressing the situation” with most of the post being about rumors about her cats, Kiwifarms, how Flora is dead, and unsurprisingly: nothing about the chat logs between Marl and a minor were Marl tried to convince the minor to sexually abuse a dog on camera or how Marl confirmed the chat logs are authentic.
Glip and Marl Divorce, Glip, Marl, and Eevee legally change their names and sell their home
In July 2018, Glip, Eevee and Marl would all legally get their names changed in the state of Arkansas in July 2018, around this time Glip would announce that they and Marl are divorcing. They would also put the Las Vegas home up for sale. Eevee would announce the move publicly in December that she and Glip now live in Colorado Springs.
This is a drastic response, that is unreasonable to take if the chat logs between Marl and BigFluff were fake. Despite these chat logs instigating this drastic response, Glip and Eevee are avoidant of discussing them. They’re happy to talk about harassment from kiwifarms, or rumors about their dead cats, or how they just wanted to do good. But when it comes to talking about the chatlogs that pushed the group to sell their home, legally change their names, and to push Glip to finally divorce Marl: nothing. Just vague claims of the content being ‘edited’ or ‘lies and bullshit.’ The only time someone in the group would step up to the plate to actually discuss the content in the chat logs would be Marl when Glip announced the divorce. Marl would admit to being a zoophile here, insist that Glip knew nothing (something we now know to be a lie.) and would ultimately claim that while he is a zoophile, the chat logs between him and BigFluff were edited (he would not provide an ‘unedited’ variant that he should have.)

From here on out until 2020, Glip and Eevee would still be malicious to BigFluff (and Lain) and would deflect anyone asking or stating that they used their platforms to enable and protect Marl that people should go after Marl. Refusing to acknowledge or apologize for enabling and protecting Marl over the years which allowed him to keep doing this to people within Glips own community.
Glip was abused by Marl, but Glip always made their own choices
In 2020, at the same time Glip posted their document on how Marl abused them, Glip would also post a 41 page document to apologize to both Lain and Big Fluff.
We’re not going to waffle about this:
Glip is an unreliable narrator but there’s no reason to doubt their horrifying abuse at the hands of Marl and what a catastrophic event it was for them and their mental health and how deeply it affected them compounded with their previous trauma. We get it and honestly hope they can actually get professional help about it.
But you know what is not conducive to any kind of recovery? – continuing to attack victims and shielding the predators that hurt them. Which, Glip has taken a shine too after doing that for Marl’s sake. Also, real talk? Even considering all of the horrors Marl put Glip through – none of it is an excuse or justification for what they put Lain and BigFluff- the two known children that Marl went after, through.
The document of Glip recounting their abuse at the hands of Marl is clearly threading through their entire life history as a way to prove how ill and abused they were is all accumulating to the ultimate implied conclusion that Glip couldn’t possibly have been at fault for what they did to these kids because they were being abused when they did it. Glip was abused, but they still had made horrible choices of their own volition throughout this.
We understand being too scared to come forward about what Marl was doing to Glip. However, the actions against Lain, and Bigfluff, those were conscious choices made only by Glip.
Glip still took the time to send those many tweets, composing those funny essays about Lain being some child seductress completely in their own time, and sure, we can talk about all day about how trauma affects people and how our actions might be somewhat predisposed by our past. It’s a very interesting argument I’m sure there’s some very long discussion threads about it on the internet if you look. Of course its not like Glip ever claims that they’re free of consequence of their own actions because of Marl directly, but they do dedicate a hilariously small amount of time to actually apologizing for the conscious actions they took and when Glip does give time to actually apologize for the actions they too, they’re certain to butt in about how Marl influenced them into taking these actions in some form. They’ll edge as close as they can get to claiming their actions were completely out of their control due to their mental state without actually outright doing so. Then pulling back with “ugh i was so stupid i know it looks super super guilty that I didn’t believe these kids and that I launched a nearly half decade public crusade against the kids who Marl sexually abused completely on my own volition. I dont know what i was thinkinggg i was so sad im sorrrrrrrrrrry”
They always had a choice. Every keystroke was a conscious decision. Every decision to hit send. Every decision to refuse to delete the lies and slander they put out against these children, even while knowing their words to be true.
Everything they did to Marl’s other victims was a conscious decision they went out of their way to execute, whether or not they can insist up and down about how Marl was impairing their judgement
Now, I’m not pointing out the fact that Glip always had a choice as a sort of cudgel against them, the reason this implication that they’re somehow “less” at fault for the tragedies suffered in their life and current situation is that it pathologizes their assumed inability of choice due to their circumstances and that’s exactly what keeps people in abusive relationships.
Though leaving is not an option that seems available to many battered women, I believe that the first time a woman is hit, she is a victim and the second time, she is a volunteer. Invariably, after a television interview or speech in which I say this, I hear from people who feel I don’t understand the dynamic of battery, that I don’t understand the “syndrome.” In fact, I have a deep and personal understanding of the syndrome, but I never pass up an opportunity to make clear that staying is a choice. Of those who argue that it isn’t, I ask: Is it a choice when a woman finally does leave, or is there some syndrome to explain leaving as if it too is involuntary? I believe it is critical for a woman to view staying as a choice, for only then can leaving be viewed as a choice and an option.
Also, if we dismiss the woman’s participation as being beyond choice, then what about the man? Couldn’t we point to his childhood, his insecurities, his shaky identity, his addiction to control, and say that his behavior too is determined by a syndrome and is thus beyond his choice? Every human behavior can be explained by what precedes it, but that does not excuse it, and we must hold abusive men accountable.
Whoever we may blame, there is some responsibility on both sides of the gender line, particularly if there are children involved. Both parents who participate are hurting their children terribly (the man more than the woman, but both parents). Children learn most from modeling, and as a mother accepts the blows, so likely will her daughter. As a father delivers the blows, so likely will his son. Though I know that dedicated, constructive people want to educate the public as to why so many women stay, I want to focus on how so many women leave. Helen Keller, a woman in another type of trap said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”
– DeBecker, G. (2000). Intimate Enemies. In The gift of fear (p. 121). essay, Bloomsbury.
Lain and BigFluff Respond
Both Lain and Bigfluff would respond to Glips apology, and neither would accept it. Glip would over the span of 5 years for Lain, and 2 years for BigFluff use their platform to further traumatize these two children. These kids had to come forward repeatedly re-traumatize themselves time and time again, facing harassment, denials and slander at the hands of Glip and their allies for what had happened to them. Marl did not do this. Glip used their platform and their influence to do this. Then finally, when Glip decided to acknowledge that they were wrong to do this, Glip makes the choice to talk more about their abuse at the hands of Marl then anything else! Glip’s apology here only rings more hollow as the years go by, as Glip repeats the same mistake they did by protecting Marl by protecting Opa and Iz when their respective victims decide to act out.

Especially – and please allow us to be petty this one time- with Glip going on such wonderful rants like this where they talk about how badly Bigfluff, the child their husband tried to convince to fuck their pet dog on camera for money, the child that they traumatized by using their platform to deny and attack her in order to protect their husband while knowing said husband was regularly raping their family dog. Yeah Glip. You’re such a fucking victim. I feel so bad for you. How dare that child *looks at notes written poorly on skin* accurately describe what your husband put them through, showed undeniable proof of his heinous crime and talk about how you walked in nude in a room they were in. Or what. Did Marl make you say shit like this too? 5 years after your divorce?
The only thing Glip has learned from this ordeal is that by highlighting their own abuse and their own negative emotions, they can convince people to ignore their own heinous actions to get away with anything. Because while BigFluff and Lain would not accept Glip’s apology, others would incorrectly see this apology as a sign that Glip has changed for the better.
37 year old Floraverse writer allowed a vulnerable 19 year old to move in with him half way across the country
When Jolly joined the Floraverse community, they were 19 years old. However, Jolly discovered floraverse through FF (the porn site) when they were a minor. They would talk about how they were living in a hoarder home, how they where sexually assaulted and generally about their awful living situation. Glip made a channel only accessible to topsiders and Jolly so Jolly could journal about their experiences and the rest of the discord server could, well, watch + give support.
Opa, who was 37 years old at the time of this would talk about how it’s a perfect opportunity to take Jolly in as a roommate in a channel that Jolly had no access too, according to a source behind this site who was there. This source claims that there was a scene where Glip even told Opa that Opa is not mentally stable enough to take someone in. Opa, of course, decided to take the traumatized young Jolly into moving in with him in a different state only a few months after meeting Jolly. Jolly did ask to move in with Opa, though the writers of this site are unsure if that happened before or after Opa talked about this in the private channels.
This is a situation about power dynamics. Jolly is 19, just moved away from their home, family, friends, any at-home support network and was explicitly invited to be Opas roommate because of their mental / emotional instability. Opa meanwhile, is almost twice Jollys age, is a contributor to the Floraverse webcomic that Jolly is a fan of, and of course is financially secure.
For all intents and purposes: Opa is the one with power in this situation, and convinced this vulnerable young individual to give up any and every form of support they have so he is the sole source of support for them. Which comes with giving Opa the power to take that support away from Jolly whenever he so chooses. It doesn’t matter if Jolly initially asked to move in, Opa had the power to say no. Jolly, being mentally/emotionally unstable and financially insecure was not a good roommate which certainly did not help the toxic situation, but the way Opa handled this situation was extremely predatory.
This was Jollys room during this time period where they stayed with Opa. Nothing but a foam mattress topper folded in half, a desk, and the only decorations being Floraverse related (reminders of what Opa can take away from them, as now that Jolly is away from home: their only community was the Floraverse community.)
This is Opa utilizing Isolation
Isolation (physical, social or emotional) is often used to facilitate power and control over someone for an abusive purpose. This applies in many contexts such as workplace bullying, elder abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, and cults.
Isolation reduces the opportunity of the abused to be rescued or escape from the abuse. It also helps disorient the abused and makes the abused more dependent on the abuser. The degree of power and control over the abused is contingent upon the degree of their physical or emotional isolation.
Rent for Jolly was 800$ a month which was reasonable, and they worked a minimum wage job – which could not pay for it. So Jolly felt obligated to pay for rent in other ways, such as doing chores or cooking. Opa would one point lie about this claiming he did all the cooking. Jolly at one point would quit their job to try to use that time to find a better paying job.
Eventually, Opa would grow tired of Jolly. Opas final straw would be Jolly attempting to set a boundary over how to have friends over, so Opa sent Jolly a letter, to kick Jolly out.

After this, Jolly attempted suicide – twice within a short time frame, which thankfully neither succeeded. After Jolly’s first attempt, Opa threatened legal action and cutting contact while Jolly was in the hospital. Opa did not want Jolly there at all and prevented Jolly from even collecting what little belongings they had at his home. Opa would eventually relent and would allow Jolly to get their belongings in exchange for Jolly removing their name from the lease. After that, Jolly would attempt suicide again by overdose.

Glip and Opa lie about the now 20 year old and actively wish their suicide attempt was successful
Glip would then post their own document in an instance of shaming about the situation as sort of a public statement. In this document, Glip would continue to maximize Jollys mistakes to minimize Opa’s predatory setup and would further isolate Jolly by telling the community to all cut off Jolly. Let’s look over this document.

Wait, why is Jolly eating spray cheese or Jolly being a bad roommate relevant to this PSA about why Floraverse community members need to avoid Jolly?
Why are Jolly’s and Opa’s disagreements as roommates to get a third roommate relevant to the whole of the Floraverse community to be included in this document? Or the handwashing and spray-cheese thing? Seriously, these things are completely irrelevant to ‘why people should avoid Jolly’ and just seem to be included to publicly shame and humiliate them.
Not that Glip would know this, but later one of Glip’s sources regarding these petty jabs in this document would admit to lying.
The “financial abuse”
Glip explicitly accuses Jolly of financial abuse. This is an overstatement of Jolly’s wrongdoings to help Opa play the victim. A person being financially insecure + not managing their money the best and failing to make rent is grounds for eviction, but it is not financial abuse.
Financial abuse, while less commonly understood, is one of the most powerful methods of keeping a survivor trapped in an abusive relationship and deeply diminishes the victim’s ability to stay safe after leaving an abusive partner. Research indicates that financial abuse occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases. Surveys of survivors reflect that concerns over their ability to provide financially for themselves and their children was one of the top reason for staying in or returning to an abusive partner. As with all forms of abuse, financial abuse occurs across all socio-economic, educational, and racial and ethnic groups.
Like all forms of abuse, financial abuse requires a form of control over the victim. Jolly never had any real form of control in this situation, and certainly had no control over Opa’s financials. The fact Jolly was never in any position to actually financially abuse Opa to begin with, is likely why Glip never expanded upon the alleged financial abuse in this document past Jolly being behind on rent and Jolly spending their money on non-essentials (Which is just being a poor roommate, not a financial abuser).
Jolly quit their job for Floraverse?
The suspiciously left out context that Glip or Opa ignored here is that when Jolly gave Opa the reasons(plural) they quit their job over telegram, Jolly gave a list of reasons why. While one of the listed reasons was that Jolly wanted to do more Floraverse stuff, other and more important reasons as to why Jolly quit was because of workplace related stress and wanting to use the new-found time to find a better full-time job that could actually pay for their rent. Quitting a disliked job to find a new one that can pay the bills, while also hoping a new job will allow for more time to engage in the things that you enjoy is reasonable. Unfortunately, due to Telegram logs being stored locally records of this no longer exist.
Lies and Gaslighting
Opa would then a month later begin to claim that Jolly’s suicide attempt might not have been real, (while also wishing they had been successful with it) this is despite the fact Opa visited the hospital Jolly was at for their fist attempt to give them their things.
In another instance of lying to defame Jolly, Glip would claim that Jolly stole an intimate item from Opa. In actuality, Opa stole one of Jolly’s intimate items because he thought their item was his and refused to pack it. Jolly was only given a brief window to pack their objects, but after their second attempt was not allowed or able to pack their own things. Jolly never had a real opportunity to take anything.

Jolly’s missteps & faults – Floraverse community Members and Glip wishing Jolly’s suicide attempt was successful
Jolly absolutely made many mistakes during this ordeal, when they were finally safe, they decided to retaliate against Opa by doxing him on kiwifarms, and threatened to dox others on there as well. Jolly was an adult, even if an extremely young adult and it was their responsibility to pay for the reasonably set rent, it is reasonable for Opa to evict Jolly for being unable to pay. Jolly for a time did go to the Floraverse server to lash out at the community for what had happened to them. We are not pretending that Jolly is completely innocent, they messed up a lot here as well and seriously hurt a lot of people along the way. However, with the massive age gap between the two, Opa’s awareness of how vulnerable Jolly was, and how Opa effectively allowed Jolly to remove themselves from their entire support structure to be fully reliant on him- it’s hard to describe Opa as anything but predatory in this situation. Despite this, within Glips community Opa not only got a pass – he got coddled. Jolly meanwhile, had their ex in the community actively spread lies about them, smeared as a financial abuser to Opa, and for their former friends wishing that their suicide attempt was successful.

Don’t forget! The Floraverse community is a safe and healthy space where you can become your best self and wish that a person with a history of attempting suicide succeeds!
Ultimately, Jolly was 19 turned 20 in this ordeal. They made mistakes with the rent and behavior but they should’ve been allowed to make those mistakes without being labeled as an abuser to a 37 year old who shouldn’t have taken them in in the first place.
Opa knew Jolly was unstable and he knew the power he held too. The fact that this was allowed to happen to begin with, the fact that Jolly was encouraged to the point of getting their own private channel to discuss their depressive tendencies and then later punished for doing just that, and the fact that Opa faced no push back from the community for what he did while Jolly had people wishing their suicide attempt was successful can only be described as one thing: Predatory.This group took this vulnerable individual in, set them up for failure from the start. Then had the audacity to wish they were successful in their attempt after the fall out.
Ex-fan creates a zine to talk about how Floraverse traumatized her and has a VN about her COCSA on ForbidenFlora
In March 2023, longtime (and now former) member of the Floraverse community, Rina would post a zine titled “Short Straw – A Zine about being unlucky”. This Zine would cover a lot of grievances that Rina had against Glip, W0z, and the Floraverse community as a whole. We’ll be going over some points we found to be important, and Glip or W0z’s response to them.
Did Glip Expose Rina to inappropriate content when she was a minor?

In this page of “Short Straw”, Rina describes being groomed by Glip, including that Glip exposed themselves to Rina as a minor. But Glip’s track record when it comes to not posting porn in minor accessible spaces is abysmal. Glip would around this time, post photos of themselves partially clothed and Rina also isn’t the first person to claim that Glip exposed their nude body to them when they were a minor as well (As the same accidentally happened to BigFluff). Glip would respond as such:

Now, Eevee and Opa’s words of testimony do not carry weight. Eevee is your wife, and Opa is one of your closest confidants. They’re a little biased here, and it’s telling that you think that these two individuals who have always acted in lockstep with you have opinions that matter to anyone outside of your group. Besides that the “It doesn’t match my emotional experience, so it didn’t happen”…. is just textbook example of what gaslighting can look like. Proper gaslighting is never just a single occurrence, its a process, so we’ll see if more signs of Glip utilizing gaslighting against Rina pop up in this response.
Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse in which the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality.
Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity.
Glip deleted this private twitter account when they deleted everything after the Marl/Bigfluff logs got leaked, so this is a they-said-she-said situation, and this has happened before: Glip claimed that BigFluff was lying about them exposing themselves to her, only to admit in your 2020 apology that BigFluff probably wasn’t lying and just remembered the situation differently from them. It would not be surprising if Rina wasn’t recalling what happened exactly as happened like BigFluff did, and that Glip isn’t either, but we’re inclined to think that Rina’s recollection of events is more accurate to the truth then Glips.

What the fuck sort of argument is ‘if this happened it wasn’t a big deal because you weren’t the only minor who I exposed my body too since it was probably on my public blog actually’?
Okay, well Glip almost certainly remembers posting a nude photo in a space Rina had access to if they’re saying this. This is another prime example of Glip thinking their opinion matters more than the experiences of others, and them continuing to attempt to gaslight Rina by insisting this experience she had wasn’t that bad.
That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
We can’t believe we need to say this, but, yes Glip, posting your boobs to a space you know a minor has access to isn’t okay either, even if you feel positively about it, even if you’re mostly focusing on the cat in the image, even if you feel it’s unfair that male presenting nipples get a pass, or that you felt it wasn’t sexual – none of that matters. All of what you mention has no bearing on the minor being unnecessarily exposed to your nudes and how that impacted them. Your document is deliberately ignoring the dynamic Rina and you had when Rina was this age – there is a difference in seeing random nudity in a mundane situation such as in art and seeing the nudes of someone you know, interact with, and look up to There is no “additional context” that can be given which helps remedy this or makes what you did okay or change how what you did fundamentally influenced Rina growing up in a negative way. This is about boundaries, and consent. You crossed Rina’s boundaries without her consent, and this seems to have impacted Rina in a way that you do not comprehend.
After looking over Rina’s specific statements and Glip’s response to them – and seeing Glip happily interact with Rina on their ‘sex-advice’ blog back in 2015 when Rina would have been about 13, we think the answer is obvious here, and that Glip did expose Rina to inappropriate content when she was a minor.
Did Glip try to traffic Rina?
Human trafficking isn’t just the assumed idea of women chained to a bed with shackles, it’s a process of entrapping someone who is likely extremely vulnerable like Rina into a situation in which the person has no economical or physical means of leaving and obtaining some form of labor from them. While the use of physical force to do so is common, so is manipulating and tricking the victim into thinking they are going to a better life – keep this in mind when we review Glip talking non-stop about how much they care for Rina, and how hurt they are. If Rina moved in with Glip, even assuming that Glip’s motives are based in good faith, which, we do not know if they were, then Rina would have been completely reliant on Glips whims.
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States. It can happen in any community and victims can be any age, race, gender, or nationality. Traffickers might use the following methods to lure victims into trafficking situations:
- Violence
- Manipulation
- False promises of well-paying jobs
- Romantic relationships
Traffickers look for people who are easy targets for a variety of reasons, including:
- Psychological or emotional vulnerability
- Economic hardship
- Lack of a social safety net
- Natural disasters
- Political instability
The trauma caused by the traffickers can be so great that many may not identify themselves as victims or ask for help, even in highly public settings.
Glip would have been the source of Rinas income and the roof over her head. If Glip and Rina had a falling out – which, hey, they did have a falling out without even being roommates then were would that left Rina? Likely homeless, with no form of income and over state lines from her family- physically separate from her non-floraverse support network. Giving Glip that type of life-ruining power over Rina’s head with the expectation that Rina would perform a job for Glip specifically? That’s trafficking. Glip was goading Rina in her moments of vulnerability into a significantly more dangerous and unsustainable living situation.
Glip would then post screenshots of them goading Rina into this life changing decision, under the guise of showing how much they really truly cared about Rina….but, we’re not sure if that’s what these chat logs are really showing.

Rina establishes the situation she is in and the group is clearly worried. Axi offers up the only sensible solution at this early state of the crisis: securing a temporary roof over Rina’s head by getting her a motel room. Given the situation and the brevity of Rina’s messages.
Glip walks in 3 minutes after Rina told the others that she was having a crisis; talking about getting a plane ticket. A drastic, expensive potential solution. Glip then frames Rina’s options as a binary between ‘getting help from Glip’ or ‘being alone in responding to the crisis’. This framing pushes the idea onto Rina that they have to rely on Glip for help, that no one else is possibly available and that the only way Glip can help, is through drastic action of traveling across state lines. Rina didn’t even ask for help.
The idea of Rina getting help from her dad gets floated, but meanwhile Eevee is already talking about making a schedule on how they can help Rina commit to this life altering, incredibly risky decision 8 minutes after Rina stated she was in crisis. Glip to their credit, say’s they’ll back off if Rina’s dad is viable solution.
10 minutes into Rina stating her crisis and W0z and Caddi are now offering to help physically re-locate Rina from New Jersey to Colorado. At the behest of Glip’s framing that moving with them is the only solution if Rina’s dad is off the table; the entire group is now working towards helping Rina move in with Glip. Rina has only acknowledged this plan by stating which airport she’s closest to, and hasn’t asked for this. Besides Axi at the start, there are no temporary non-life-changing or non-drastic solutions being offered about this potentially temporary problem that would at the very least give Rina the time to calm down, think things through and plan a solution that is more towards her needs. It’s just, GO GO GO what’s the quickest way to move Rina across state-lines!? Rushing someone into a decision like that when they’re clearly in a state of panic and unable to think clearly, that’s your idea of ‘caring’ Glip?
Glips additional comment here about Caddi gives us the impression that Glip might genuinely not understand Rina’s perspective. W0z showing up to Rina’s home was important and a problem because W0z has been sexually harassing and grooming Rina, and would go on to use this encounter to further do that to Rina. Caddi, by contrast, was not doing that. The 2 people who showed up to help Rina leave aren’t inherently bad for just doing that because it was under the pretense of helping Rina under Glips encouragement that this would actually help Rina. W0z, specifically showing up to Rina’s home is bad because W0z was doing a lot of other stuff to Rina that puts its intentions into question by showing up to begin with. Caddi, by contrast, when it was clear the situation was more complicated, appears to have backed down and instead chose to be supportive to Rina.
Glip and Eevee start looking at specific flights they can take to get to Rina, Glip even touting a flight that they can take tonight to be there the next day. This is all within the span of 15 minutes of Rina saying she’s in crisis. Rina is clearly not engaged in the discussion, posting the photo of their home and barely interacting with the chat. W0z finally realizes that Rina never actually said she wanted this type of help and asks. Rina gives a response about which airport is closest, not stating how she feels about the plan. Marlyn here makes a good call that getting Rina out of the cold and buying the group some time to properly plan and Rina time to properly process what happened, but Glip seems to be overall too caught up in the idea of ‘getting Rina to move in with them’ that they don’t stop to think if getting Rina to move in with them actually helps Rina.
We can never truly find out if Glip had well meaning intentions or selfish ulterior motives, and it doesn’t really matter what their intentions were or if they truly cared by the end of the day. Because it doesn’t really matter if someone is well meaning and thinking the best for you while they’re trying to rush you into a life changing, potentially easily life ruining decision. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.
What did W0z do to Rina?
![I WAS A GODDAMN CHILD. Overlayed on the Forbidden Flora VN Routine Maintenance, the following text can seen 'rina half of the vn feelings I did were about this kind of monster I'd be if I ever let my urges out wrt feelings like I have about rina', 'replaying pleasure', 'the 'HERO' of this story failed their duty', 'until we're just [illegible]','over', 'and over and over and','replaying pain'](
The visual novel that W0z wrote projecting themselves in the perspective of a rapist, and Rina into the perspective of a victim, and a doll, is titled Routine Maintenance. It is still hosted by Glip. This post on Tumblr has a good analysis connecting Rina’s zine to Routine Maintenance.
Glip and W0z both would deny Rina’s claim that Routine Maintenance is depicting W0z’s rape fantasies about Rina using her own COCSA from when she was 7 and W0z’s history of sexually assaulting its classmates on the bus in the later years of highschool. We could talk how weird it is that these logs Glip claims to have that supposedly prove it’s not a rape fantasy about Rina that are not posted, we could talk about how specific the scenario is, involving a school bus that it couldn’t possibly be a coincidence. But there’s no point.
Because in w0z’s cohost post about the situation, right before it denies depicting rape fantasies about Rina in its work. It goes into detail about why the VN and to a lesser extent the Raziel commission- content that depicted rapes, were about Rina.

So to Recap
- Routine Maintenance, a VN were W0z explored its feelings about sexually assaulting its classmates on a school bus, were its character is put in the position as the fucking rapist; was inspired by negative feelings W0z had about Rina who was raped on a school bus
- The Raziel rape commission might not involve Rina’s characters, did in fact include W0z’s feelings about Rina
- W0z talks about how Rina was assaulted on a school bus, W0z sexually assaulted people on a school bus, and how that dynamic of being on two separate sides of that situation was a key part of the Routine Maintenance
- W0z couldn’t help but feel to be some ‘evil, predatory monster to you [Rina]’
- W0z apologizes to Rina for including her trauma in the visual novel were W0z explores the idea of being a fucking rapist
- But don’t worry, even though the VN is based off of how w0z used to sexually assault their classmates, or how Rina was raped similarly to how w0z would sexually assault their classmates, its totally not a rape fetish guys.
- No W0z won’t explain how what they just described isn’t a rape fantasy, they’ll just change the topic.
Genuinely, what more can we say to thoroughly prove our point? Thanks w0z.
Glip gets the entire squad to gang up on the ex-fan
Additionally, dissatisfied members or other critics have great difficulty in disproving ad-hominem arguments, such as that they just have a personal axe to grind, that they are trying to find a scapegoat to excuse their own failure or deficiency, or that they are simply being subjective and emotional. Cults have a vested interest in challenging the personal credibility of their critics, and may cultivate academic researchers who attack the credibility and motives of ex-members.
Glip would turn the DARVO on Rina up to an 11, recruiting more then just the usual Eevee to publicly gang up on her in respond to the Rina’s zine which only mentioned w0z and Glip.
- 9 page google document about the feelings Glip has about Rina
- 75 page document from Glip
- Twitter Thread from Glip
- W0z’s cohost post
- Eevee’s cohost post
- Twitter Thread from Opa
- Twitter Thread from Eevee
- Twitter Thread from Vera
Glip brought in the whole squad to attack Rina. There is a lot of content here calling out or ‘debunking’ Rina for her wrong doings and there are so many people who are speaking up too! Wow! Surely that means the accusations were fake and Rina is a bad person….Right?
The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique that involves overwhelming your opponent with as many arguments as possible, with no regard for the accuracy, validity, or relevance of those arguments.
Triangulation refers to a specific behavior that can come up within a two-person conflict. This tactic can show up in nearly any type of relationship — between friends, family members, romantic partners, or even coworkers.
Triangulation happens when one or both of the people involved in the conflict try to pull a third person into the dynamic, often with the goal of:
- deflecting some of the tension
- creating another conflict to take the spotlight off the original issue
- reinforcing their sense of rightness or superiority
A couple having an argument, for example, might turn to a roommate, encouraging them to take a side or help work things out.
People with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic tendencies might also use triangulation, usually to maintain control over situations by manipulating others.
With narcissistic triangulation, one-on-one conversations or disagreements might quickly become two-against-one situations. You might suddenly find yourself left out, your protests ignored and overruled.
The goal of gish-galloping is to overwhelm onlookers and the victim with ‘rebuttals’, and Glip’s use of triangulation is to combine as many voices as they can to use this, which is why Vera, Opa and Eevee get involved despite Rina really only calling out W0z and Glip. There is no interest in having a conversation, the only goal is to overwhelm. Glip doesn’t expect you to read their 75 page document, they want you to look at the 75 page document, be overwhelmed by it, and just assume that their premise is correct.
However, for those with enough patience to trudge through all of these rebuttals, they will come to realize that little of it actually has anything to do with Rinas accusations. The fact that most of this is irrelevant to the accusations is what makes this a gish-gallop. While a lot of this is wholly irrelevant to anything in Rina’s zine, and does nothing to disprove anything within Rina’s zine; we’ll talk about some important tidbits from those that chimed in who aren’t Glip or w0z here, and some of the irrelevant points they kept bringing up.
To illustrate this:
The researcher of this section printed out Glip’s responses so they wouldn’t have to stare at a computer screen while doing so. Their printer couldn’t print the entire thing because the 75 page google doc wiped clean their printer toner. They sit down and decide to read what they have anyway, and this is the first thing they see:

The deal with Rey
A reoccurring talking point in these responses is how bad of a person Rina’s ex-partner Rey is and that Rina still associates with him. The specifics regarding Rey are outside of the scope of this website, as Rey was not brought up in Rina’s zine at all we did not look into them past Glip’s and friends claims. Maybe Rina should be judged for associating with Rey, we don’t know, and the accusations are pretty bad, even if they are coming from narrators who are known to be unreliable. But that’s a separate conversation. “Rina is bad because she associates with Rey” and “The Floraverse community groomed and traumatized Rina” are not conflicting statements.
So, it’s weird that Rey keeps being brought up. None of the screenshots about Rey disprove the accusations Rina leveled against Glip and W0z, because they’re completely unrelated to the accusations Rina leveled against Glip and W0z.
- Rina associating with Rey doesn’t mean Glip didn’t expose Rina to unacceptable content when she was a minor
- Rina associating with Rey doesn’t make it so Glip and their community tried to pressure and manipulate Rina into running away from home
- Rina associating with Rey doesn’t make Rina’s abuse at the hands of W0z and the impact it had on her vanish
- Rina associating with Rey doesn’t make W0z’s gross VN about Rina’s childhood sexual assault not exist and not be published on forbidden flora
If Glip and friends were concerned over Rey being a predator, then why did they sit on these accusations and not go public about how much of a danger Rey is when they were initially discovered? And why release the accusations during a response to Rina when it’s completely irrelevant to what Rina had said?
Rey is being used as a distraction to add length to the call-outs and to attack Rina’s character as part of the DARVO technique. The real message they are sending here isn’t coming from a place of wanting to warn individuals about Rey so they can protect themselves from him, the real message being sent here is “you shouldn’t believe Rina about us abusing her, because she associates with someone like Rey”.
Throwing some rocks at our own Glass Houses
Eevee Lies about how she and Glip responded to Marl

Glip talked about knowing that Marl was abusing their dog, the dog that was part of your family, Apollo, as early as late 2013; we’ll give Glip the benefit of the doubt and round up to early 2014 since these events happened in late December 2013. In spite of Glip knowing that Marl was abusing the family dog, you and Glip sided with Marl when Lain spoke up about Marl sexually abusing animals. You and Glip also sided with Marl initially and for disturbingly way too long of a time when chat logs that Marl himself confirmed were real popped up of Marl discussing sexually abusing dogs with a minor.
Glip did not divorce Marl until 2018. That’s 4 years after Glip knew that Marl was abusing the family dog. Not 4 years after Glip became aware that Marl was interested in sexually abusing animals, because Glip knew that since essentially the start of their relationship. But 4 years after Glip became aware that Marl was abusing their dog, specifically. That’s a bit on the slow end for ‘we couldn’t get away fast enough’.
Vera accuses Rina of fetishizing child molestation, but Glip built their entire career off of fetishizing child molestation

PMD-E, the precursor group to Floraverse, The community Vera plays a major leadership role in, is a group that was inseparably built on the fetishization of molesting and grooming minors- both fictional and real minors in the following ways:
- Glip would post stories related to the plot that also acted as lead up to porn and how Glip would then direct their audience, which mostly consisted of children, to their tumblr account to read the rest of the (porn) story without any warning
- The group that would have plot hidden behind porn tricking kids who wanted to research and learn the whole plot to read said porn- such as Shroomsworth completing mission 2 by being raped by Merlot the Lugia?
- Points 1 and 2 just so happens to satisfy Glips fetish for exposing minors to these ideas and this content ‘before they’re supposed to’
- Glip also used the group to explore this fetish by writing a canon relationship between PK, Glips self insert and Rhodes, a child
If you go back even further- Glip contributed to Softpaw Magazine, a magazine all about cub porn. Glip and Floraverse would not be were they are today if not for projects that relied on fetishizing the molestation or sexual abuse of minors.
Vera doesn’t care about Rina ‘fetishizing child molestation’. Because if they cared when people fetishized child molestation, they wouldn’t associate with Glip who built their career off of doing just that. Vera is only throwing this rock at their own glass house because they want to hit Rina with the rock, not because they actually think the glass house of fetishizing the abuse of minors is bad.
Glip has a long, detailed history of traumatizing people. It is difficult to even think about how many peoples lives were severely negatively impacted by them. Glip has insisted on changing, but falls back onto old habits after doing so. Glip is either too traumatized from their own abuse to actually change their behavior, or simply never had any interest in changing to begin with and only offered those claims of change as lip service. It’s hard to tell, and it doesn’t actually matter because the result is the same regardless: Ash is dangerous in positions of power or influence over others and should not be putting themselves in positions were they lead communities like Floraverse or PMD-E.